Katerina Dvorakova4 min

Everything You Need to Know About the STRV Academy

Inside STRVApr 26, 2022

Inside STRV


Apr 26, 2022

Katerina DvorakovaTech Community Manager

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Nobody starts out being great. All of us at STRV started somewhere and worked hard to become the experts we are today. Some of us found this growth was accelerated particularly when there was someone to show us the way. To this end, we have launched the STRV Academy.

Are you looking to master the latest frameworks, like React, Node.js or Swift? In just a few weeks, STRV Academy’s practical courses will teach you what would otherwise take months of self-study to learn.

Joining the STRV Academy gets you tailor-made lessons, code reviews, homework and the support of STRV seniors as lectors and mentors. That’s the rundown. Now let’s talk details.

What to Expect

Our courses are free of charge and take place once a week.

In 6 to 10 weeks — depending on the course — you advance your skillset while experiencing STRV’s company culture. Don't expect a boring “back-to-school” experience. The educational tracks are hands-on, fully focused on the real experience and day-to-day improvement.

We understand that the tech world can sometimes be tricky, and it’s important to have somebody you can talk to about everything tech and design. At the Academy, you have your own mentor who helps guide you toward graduation. From day one, you work side-by-side with our STRV mentors (a.k.a. your Academy colleagues) at our Prague office in Karlin.

Workshops, social events and soft skill classes are also offered to help round out the professional knowledge you will gain. On top of that, you can take part in social events and sports classes to get the full “STRV life” experience.

We also provide plenty of material and tips to further advance your progress, along with recordings of every lesson.

The Fun Stuff - Events, Bar, Gym…

Basically, you become part of the STRV team.

We start with a kick-off networking party on the first day, continue with an event organized from our side, another one based on your choice to chill a little bit and, at the end, have a proper graduation/closing party.

Some perks worth mentioning? A few floors above our office is our very own Scrollbar. It’s got crisp draft beer and a spacious terrace. We make sure you get acquainted. And among other extras at your disposal is our STRV gym, which you’re welcome to use for group lessons.

What Happens After You Graduate?

By the end of the course, you'll have a strong sense of what the STRV culture is made of, and we’ll have seen your tech skills in action. Knowing each other at this scale often naturally leads to collaboration. What we’re saying is, you might be our new colleague.

Think working with us might be your next career move? This is a great way to find out what our expectations are, and what you can expect from us.

The Options & Logistics of Our Courses

To ensure individual attention, only about 15–20 people will be selected to participate (per course). Check out the 2022 plan:

Our application process has three stages.

  • OPEN — If the course you’re interested in is Open, you can apply right away at the bottom of the page.
  • LEARN MORE — If the course’s applications aren’t open yet, it’s already filled up or it’s ended, you can still check out the details. You can also leave us your email at the bottom of the page and we’ll make sure you get all updates about the Academy and our upcoming events.
  • COMING SOON — This means that the course is currently being planned and we'll publish more details very soon.

A Bit of History

Inspired by the energy of bringing our community together for our Silicon Valley Insights (now called Next Level Talks), we first introduced the STRV Academy back in 2016. It was an awesome summer of learning, fun, mentoring and new friendships. In 2017, after collecting feedback and learning from that initial experience, we freshened up the concept a bit and were back.

Today, the STRV Academy is far from a quick summer adventure. It’s now a full year’s worth of commitment because we provide educational courses focusing on a variety of platforms and expertise, meaning that we tailor the courses to engineers, product managers and/or designers — never just one group.

We’re learned a lot about teaching and mentoring over the years, especially thanks to our educational and networking events called Nights — React Nights, Node.js Nights, etc. And now, after years of quarantine, limited events and after some intensive planning, we're thrilled to be back with the STRV Academy of 2022!


How much time do I have to dedicate to this? Is it full-time?

While we do expect your dedication, it’s definitely not full-time. We have one lesson per week in the afternoon (starting at 6 p.m.). The extra time you spend on your project is up to you and your mentor. All accompanying activities (such as soft skills workshops and networking events) are highly recommended, but voluntary.  

What level of knowledge should I have?

The level depends on your selected course. Most courses focus on juniors/mid, but some are a bit more advanced. Please check the prerequisites/requirements in the Who Is the Academy For? section of your selected course.

Please note that we also go through all application forms thoroughly and provide a test and/or have a call with all potential candidates before accepting anyone, to make sure that it’s a mutual fit. So no worries; you won’t suddenly find yourself at the course among people way ahead (or far behind) you.

Do I have to pay for this?

Nope. The Academy is absolutely free!

Do I need to bring my own laptop?

Yes, you will be using your own equipment during the Academy (notebook, cell phone, etc.).

Can I apply if I’m still in high school?

Why not? Apply and we'll discuss the possibilities together. However, please note that the Academy is geared toward committed and enthusiastic people who are interested in ultimately finding a full-time job (at STRV or elsewhere).

Is it only in-person or also online?

Since we really care about giving our students the full STRV experience, the event is only in-person, taking place in our Prague office.  

Hit us up with any other questions, anytime!

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