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Inside STRVJun 29, 2014

Inside STRV


Jun 29, 2014

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“Up until you are 25, and you don’t have a mortgage, feel free to work in startups,” Pavlina Louzenska told me when I started to get bored at my old job. A startup is a contagious and creative environment full of hard working and friendly people. It is one of the best ways to grow professionally and enjoy what you do.

So, why should you send them your CV? What can they offer you that a big corporation like a bank or airlines company cannot? Being tied down by big corporate procedures, rules and endless deadlines that leave little time for own ideas would drive many people to look for something new. Just look around, and you will see there are a lot of interesting startups. Here are few reasons to join them.


This is the simple truth! Do you want people to talk about you? Then join a startup. How many developers or designers from Ogilvy were interviewed by the media last year? Right, not many. Working for startup can make your career. You will gain respect in many professional circles, not only in your department.


Because startups are cool, they will let you decide how best to use your skills and expertise to help meet the client’s needs. So while one developer might come up with the next big thing at the office and present his pitch on AppParade, another might decide he does his best work at home with cup of coffee and jazz music.


 When a startup is interested in developing new technologies, it has to use them, too. You may sign into Slack on your first day on the job and read through company’s feed. The next day, you might check out Google Hangouts to say “hello” to your coworkers around the globe. That’s great. However, after few months, there will be new app out there – maybe even designed by your company – which will replace Google’s service. Do these things matter? Totally. They will keep you on your toes and your creative juices flowing.  


Other companies will try and tempt you with vouchers, sick days and cell phones. But we are talking about your career here, and that should be worth more to you than a fancy benefits package.  A startup will offer you benefits which will help you succeed. You will draw up your own list of benefits with your boss. Startup wants see you happy. But remember, you aren’t here for the benefits – those are just “extras”.


Corporate culture often boils down to a piece of paper of “do's” and don'ts” tucked in some dusty file drawer in the HR department. They may revise it every now and again, but don’t think you’ll get any say in the matter. Frankly, though, casual Fridays and company trips to a water park, don’t sound too thrilling. A startup has deferent kind of culture - working with a team of friends. You play a central role in helping to mold the work environment and shape the culture for yourself and future employees. In other words, your input is valued.  


Are you worried that your resume will be filled with goofy, non-corporate sounding names like, oh, Roomty Groomty or Cloudy Wirely Smoochi? Don’t worry. It’s all about how you spin it. It’s important to emphasize that working at a startup tells future employers that you are a risk-taker, optimistic and driven to succeed.  So, be brave and join a startup. You won’t regret it.


If you missed out on studying aboard while at university, you still have a chance to take the plunge. Tech startups are mostly centered in the United States, namely in New York, Chicago and San Francisco. You’ll find the working environment at startups, hubs and accelerators very friendly and easy-going, especially when you are good in what you do. It isn’t necessary to stay on the California coast. You can try it out and see if it’s for you. But here’s a guarantee: You will definitely meet a lot of interesting people no matter where you are based. 

 If you are looking for a new job or if someone from a startup approaches you with a job offer, check it out. It doesn’t hurt. Agree to meet them on AppParade or at a bar and talk.

A startup is normal company with many small work style differences that you won’t find elsewhere.

But what about money? Don’t worry, you’ll get paid, too!

What do you think? Are you still interested in startups? Take a look on uLikeIT jobs - we are looking for talents.


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