From our Tech and Testing Stack to Code Quality and Dev Tools, Android Studio Plugins, Courses, Newsletters, Podcasts… it’s all summed up here.
Tech Stack
Android Jetpack - A suite of libraries, tools and guidance
Bitrise - Cross-platform mobile continuous integration and delivery
CircleCI - Cloud-native continuous integration
Dagger - A fast dependency injector
Firebase - A comprehensive mobile development platform offering real-time database, analytics, crash tracking, ML and more
Glide - An image loading and caching library
Google APIs for Android - Google services
Gradle - Build-automation system
Java - Programming language
Koin - A pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin
Kotlin - Programming language
Kotlin Coroutines - A concurrency design pattern
KTX - Android Kotlin extensions
LeakCanary - Memory leak detection library
Lottie - Easily add high-quality animation to any native app
Moshi - A modern JSON library for Kotlin and Java
OkHttp - An HTTP client for Android, Kotlin and Java
Retrofit - Type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java
RxAndroid - RxJava bindings for Android
RxJava - Reactive Extensions for the JVM
RxKotlin - Kotlin extensions for RxJava
Espresso - Concise, beautiful and reliable Android UI tests
JUnit - Foundation for launching testing frameworks on the JVM
Mockito - Mocking framework for writing tests with clean and simple API
MockK - Mocking library for Kotlin
Code Quality Tools
Danger - Automatic code review tool
Detekt - Kotlin lint and static code analysis
Ktlint - An anti-bikeshedding Kotlin linter with built-in formatter
Dev Tools
Android Arsenal - Android developer portal with tools, libraries and apps
Android Asset Studio - A collection of tools to easily generate assets
Android Studio - Official Android IDE
Flipper - Extensible mobile app debugger
Charles - HTTP proxy and monitor that enables a developer to view all the traffic
Insomnia - Debug APIs like a human, not a robot
Postman - API development environment
Scrcpy - Provides display and control of Android devices connected on USB
Slides Code Highlighter - Code highlighter useful for talks preparation
Stetho - A debug bridge for viewing the contents of your sqlite database and shared preferences in Android applications
Vysor - Puts your Android on your desktop
Android Studio Plugins
ADB Idea - Adds some ADB commands to Android Studio
Code Glance - Embeds a scrolling code minimap
Markdown support - Provides the capability to edit and view Markdown files
Blogs & News
Clean Code by Robert C. Martin
CommonsWare’s Books by CommonsWare
Effective Java by Joshua Bloch
Effective Kotlin by Marcin Moskala
Kotlin in Action by Svetlana Isakova, Dmitry Jemerov