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Wrap-up: Developer Meetup on React.js

EventsCommunityWrap-upMay 4, 2016



May 4, 2016

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Shortly after we organized a Backend Meetup in both Prague and Brno, we threw another one, this time on the topic of Frontend with a special focus on React.js. Three of our frontend developers joined by their backend colleague presented their experience and things they've learnt over the time while working on client apps using React.

We kicked off with Jiri Komon, who gave a bit of insight into how we work with our clients, followed by Peter Absolon who talked about CSS (and showed us some really funny slides). After a short break we started the second part with Jan Omacka's presentation covering Java Script and we closed with Jiri Spac who created his whole presentation in React and showed some real examples of how you can work with React.

If you were unfortunate and missed it, but you'd like to see what it was like, check out the gallery on Facebook with pictures from Prague and Brno. In case you want to refresh your memory, or just replay the meetup, good news! We recorded our Prague meetup so that you wouldn't miss anything, especially if you couldn't be with us.

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Our speakers also shared their presentations with you, which are available here:

Our event manager likes to keep busy, so we've already set a date for our next event! Join us in Brno on 25th May and on 27th May in Prague for our first meetup of the year focused solely on iOS. You can register here, but hurry up, before we reach full capacity!

Follow us on Facebook and check out our Eventbrite page so you don't miss any of our upcoming events!

Thank you and we're looking forward to see you at one of our next events!

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