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Wrap-up: Apple TV, Android TV & Chromecast Hackathon in Brno

EventsEngineeringWrap-upMar 8, 2016



Mar 8, 2016

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Our hackathons are back, and what better topic to kick the 2016 series off with than Apple TV, Android TV and Chromecast? On March 5, 12 teams of two sat down at Impact Hub Brno to bring their ideas to life and to compete with the others for a chance to win an Apple TV or Nvidia Shield.

Six teams decided to tackle Apple TV, two teams worked on Android TV and two chose Chromecast. We also had two teams hacking both Apple and Android TVs in one. We had all the devices on hand for teams to test their apps before the final presentations.

STRV mentors were available throughout the day to help out and give advice or feedback to our hackers. Some of them even sat down and wrote apps that would make your Apple TV talk like Yoda or fill it with cute green monsters you'd have to shoot.

The jury arrived in the afternoon just in time to talk to all the teams and find out a little bit more about each of the projects. We are very happy that Oliver Dlouhy from Skypicker decided to join us (it was his first time as a judge, and from what we've seen, it seems like he really enjoyed the role), as well as Tomáš Baránek from and Boris Šebošík from Divano joining us all the way from Bratislava. Our own Lubo Smid took on the role of a head judge.

At the end of the day, all teams presented their ideas, and the jury had a very tough decision to make. In the end, they awarded third place to Jakub Knejzlík and Tomáš Čejka from the Public Eye team who worked on a project that connected webcams with your living room through Apple TV. Just imagine you're home, and you can't decide whether you should go skiing. All you have to do is take a look at the camera showing slopes close to you, and you’ll know right away if it's sunny, crowded, or, you know, if there's even enough snow to ski on…

Adam Ligocki and Tomáš Michálek (aka Borci z Garáže or BrZGr) took second place with their Apple TV app that allows up to two people to play the piano from their iPhone or iPad — a great way to learn how to play if you don't know how!

The winners — Radim Vaculík and Pavel Synek from the Funtaster team — certainly deserved first place as they made everyone laugh with their Android TV app “Gif TV,” which allows you to play randomly paired gifs with Spotify snippets in various categories. Trust us, you don't know what fun is until you've seen this!

Overall, it was a wonderful day in Brno, filled with great ideas, talented people and a lot of fun! Check all the photos here and we also have this lovely video from the event:

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