Juan Herrera3 min

Designers' Weekly Digest 01

Designers WeeklyFeb 23, 2016

Designers Weekly


Feb 23, 2016

Juan HerreraDesigner

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Howdy! It came to our attention that people in the design team at STRV consistently manage to round up a lot of cool and interesting news, thoughts, resources and other kinds of links by the end of each week that, for some reason, rarely leave the design bubble.

It took some effort but we managed to convince them to release some of those riches out in the wild, for in the end, it might be of great interest to a wider audience.

One of last week's biggest news was probably Apple's open letter to their customers, which you can read in full detail here. In the aftermath of the San Bernardino incident, the FBI reached out to Apple for help by asking them to create, essentially, a backdoor to the iPhone. In a highly applauded effort, Apple situated itself as a company that stands behind its customers' security and fundamental right for privacy by not complying to these requests given that any attempt to weaken encryption would potentially develop other privacy-related incidents to worry about.

You can read other thoughts and conversations on the matter in this thread at Hacker News.


Relay.io joins InVision

Waybury, the company behind design communication tool Relay has recently been acquired by the cool guys at InVision. We're really excited to see how Waybury's integration will improve an already awesome company and are looking forward to see what this collaboration will bring to the community!

Ales (Designer): Great news for everyone! We were using Relay internally for some time and now it makes sense they are joining InVision. It can all be part of one connected ecosystem for a smoother cooperation in our team.

Marian (Designer): We use InVision and Slack on daily basis and are still missing some tool to easily share designs within the team so this looks promising and got me excited. By the way, that’s a really nice and responsible way to announce such merge. Fingers crossed here!

Eli Schiff's take on the Uber rebranding

Love it or hate it, we're always up for discussing Eli's take on design. His commentary on Uber's radical rebranding was no exception.

Maggie (Illustrator): Schiff’s tone might be too sharp for many people but it’s refreshing to have a real critical voice among all the positive affirmations the design community is addicted to. This one hit the crappy rebrand nail on the head for me. Done with a truly satisfying level of biting humour as well. A+ for Eli this week.

Katka (Designer): When it comes to a rebranding everyone feels the need to express an opinion usually no longer than a tweet; so I appreciate that someone actually put together an article full of facts and highlighted a context inside Uber. And all of this with a bit of sarcastic humor always makes for a great read!

Premier League rebrand by Design Studio

Some of us are into subjects other than pixel-nudging and staring at screens for 72 hours straight, and this really cool rebrand by the awesome Design Studio helped us rekindle our love for the outside world and physical activity.

Tomas (Motion Designer): About time! This was a much needed refreshment. It looks very brave and bold now, something worthy of Premier League. And those animated stripes made me tingle in ways I could never imagine before.

Maggie (Illustrator): Some serious logo design glory happening here. I can count at least five Gestalt principles, and any designer able to reduce a crowned lion’s head down to that level of geometric simplicity without losing the complex shape earns at least 9,860 brownie points from me.

Ales (Designer): I really like the crazy color scheme they used. It's like they wanted to burn everybody's eyes... Or just get attention at any possible occasion.


Leo's Red Carpet Rampage - Quite possibly one of the most amazing things we've ever witnessed.

Ustwo's Ken Wong is interviewed - Ways We Work's very in-depth interview with Ken Wong from Ustwo. For you Monument Valley fans!

Dignity Health by Buck - Beautiful brain animations by Buck. Eye candy!

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