Breno Valadão2 min

Swiftly Highlights: Celebrating Women, SwiftUI in Production & Xcode Tips

EngineeringMar 31, 2021



Mar 31, 2021

Breno ValadãoSenior iOS Engineer

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March is a special month, full of news from our beloved iOS community. We also celebrated Women’s History Month, so I want to start this edition of Swiftly Highlights with an article that highlights a few outstanding contributions from women in the Swift community.

And now, some other great content which caught our attention this past month.


Talking a bit about SwiftUI, we found a really interesting article about Using CoreLocation With SwiftUI, where Andrés Ibañez explores how SwiftUI can be used with certain frameworks that aren’t “SwiftUI ready.”

If you’ve ever wondered about how ready for production Combine is, you will find yourself with a few questions and doubts. Luckily, many of them have probably been discussed. You can check out this interesting conversation about Combine and Core Data in John Sundell’s swiftbysundell podcast with Donny Wals or take a look at John’s article, Using Combine’s Futures and Subjects.


Let's start by mentioning that, in case you don't know, you can check out the Swift language evolution (and also contribute)—you just need to read about the process and how to get started.

We already know that property wrappers is a hot topic; let's dive into it a little bit more by learning how to handle default values of a property wrapper automatically, courtesy of John Sundell

If you’re interested in improving performance, we recommend you check out how to use @autoclosure in Swift to do so.

Have you ever used `arc4random_uniform` for generating random numbers? As you may know, the days of its usage are over and, based on this, Filip Němeček has written a comprehensive overview about how randomness works in Swift.


Just as it is good to always clean our workspace, it's really good when we release some space in our HD. If you want to check out and better understand how Xcode manages space and how to clean cached folders, unused simulators, old archives and more, give Understanding and Managing Xcode Space (from the raywenderlich team) a try.

Working with threads might be quite complicated sometimes and plenty of approaches on how to handle it already exist. But we’ve managed to find an interesting approach from Brent about how NetNewsWire Handles Threading, where he shows us the benefits. And to wrap up this threading talk, we also recommend you check out the great overview that Jesse Squires wrote about what we should at least know about threads and queues.

Testing is always good, and there are never enough testing tips—especially when they’re related to UI testing reliability.

That's all from us for March. See you next month, stay tuned!

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