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Wrap-up: Backend Meetup with GraphQL

EventsWrap-upNov 15, 2016



Nov 15, 2016

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It was all about GraphQL at last week’s Backend Developer Meetups in Brno and Prague.

Josef Zavisek walked everyone through the basics of GraphQL before Pavel Polacek and Michal Klacko teamed up to explain how to build a GraphQL server using Apollo Stack during a live coding session.

“GraphQL has given us a clean new way to build APIs,” Pavel explained. “We no longer have to write expensive documentation for our API, because GraphQL tools support generating documents out of box and provide us with quick and intuitive ways for browsing our API.”

What’s more, “we can use any clients and technology what we want, whether it’s React, Angular, iOS, Node.js or Ruby,” Pavel added. “GraphQL reduces the bandwidth between the client and server, so it’s great for mobile apps.”

If you missed the meetups, there is good news! We have a recording that you can enjoy below. As an extra special bonus, we even put together a short geek-alicious comedy routine at the end of the Prague meetup. That’s just how we roll.

Don’t forget to check out our photo galleries (Prague here and Brno here).

For a full recap, here are the videos from each of the presentations:

And for those of you who’d like to run through the slides from the Meetup, we’ve got the Intro to GraphQL by Josef Zavisek here.

Our next Developer Meetup will be dedicated to Android. We’ll be in Brno on November 22 and in Prague on November 24. And after Android we'll return back to GraphQL in December, but this time from Frontend point of view. For more details, follow us on Facebook or subscribe to our newsletter.

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