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Wrap-up: iOS Developer Meetup - Swiftify Everything

EventsiOSEngineeringOct 31, 2016



Oct 31, 2016

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We decided it was time to go back to the basics with our Developer Meetups.

After pressing pause for a short summer hiatus, we returned with an in-depth look at iOS.

If you missed us in Brno on October 11 and Prague on October 13, don’t panic! We have a recording, and you can relive the magic again and again below. You can also check out our photo galleries (Prague here and Brno here), because nothing is cooler than watching coders code.

Luca D'Alberti got things started with a presentation aptly named Swiftify Everything, which, as you might have guessed, provided a summary on how to convert your code from dusty-old Objective-C to the hip and modern Swift, because, well, Swift makes everything pretty. Better jump on the bandwagon ... swiftly or Swiftify.

“I always see old-style code in projects. They are hard to understand and hard to read. Simply put, Swift makes code more readable,” Luca explained.

Jindra Dolezy followed up with a talk on how to get rid of pesky string identifiers. “Basically, if you name your image 'a.jpg' and put the name everywhere into your code and then rename the image, bad things will happen,” Jindra warned. His advice? Make sure to double-check everything with a machine. “Your computer will warn you that you broke something, and you’ll be able to fix it before it crashes in production,” Jindra added.

Mobile App Localization guru, Jakub Vodak, used Surge, STRV’s gay dating and social networking app, to illustrate how localizing your app is the key to its success. Seriously. Jakub talked costs versus profit and explained how Surge is quickly gaining on its competition on the US and UK markets.

Jan Kaltoun was in charge of the live-coding workshop, which focused on how to create iMessage extensions, like a Doge meme, because who doesn’t like Doge?!

“Apple recently introduced the possibility of creating iMessage apps which will greatly increase the number of things you can do within the messaging app,” Jan said. “Also, they introduced stickers, which were missing and are cool.”

For a full recap, check out the videos from each of the presentations, and let us know what you think:

And for those of you who’d like to run through the slides from the Meetup, you can find them here:

Our next Developer Meetup will be all about Backend. We’ll be in Prague on November 8 and in Brno on November 10. For more details, follow us on Facebook or subscribe to our newsletter.

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